A holistic cross user communication app, that promotes self preservation by eliminating the need to coat-switch.

Plan Perfect is an all-inclusive communication and management app for users who seek to avoid code-switching and maintain a holistic lifestyle. With versatile features, a user-friendly design, and continuous improvements, it is the go-to platform for teams, friends, and individuals seeking streamlined collaboration and event planning.


Existing communication platforms cater exclusively to either work or social needs. Current existing platforms fragment collaboration, lacking a versatile solution for seamless communication, event planning, and personal projects. "Plan Perfect" unifies workplace and personal organization, bridging gaps and enhancing coordination.


eliminating context-switching


Integrating work and personal life management into one app streamlines the user experience, offering consistency and ease across tasks, events, and communication


Encouraging a a balanced work-life by providing a comprehensive view of commitments. Users are empowered to align actions with personal values, contributing to a more fulfilling life.

Unified platform for cohesion


Not all, but some users wish to maintain consistent behavior and identity across personal and professional spheres. "Plan Perfect" can helps users present a coherent and authentic self in all aspects of life

doesn’t requires coat-switching


for growth in a niche market

Cross user communication apps exclusively caters to certain sectors. Creating a versatile app that blends professional and personal features opens avenues for innovation.


In a survey of 5 in person interviews and 23 Maze applicants we discovered the following insights...

“I use Slack for work, Discord for my manga club, and Steam for my gaming. Sometimes I feel a bit schizophrenic and discombobulated, having it all in one place, with guaranteed privacy would be awesome”

interviewee #19 (J.C.)


Data found from in person interviews and MAZE showed that 71% of users were concerned with issues related to privacy.

According to Research…

After testing numerous solutions like password options, different user IDs, and privacy settings, the testers and I concluded that color coding was the best option.

Biggest Concern:

The Solution:
Color Codes

Many users were worried they might mistake one group for another and spill unwanted personal information to other areas.

Other solutions posed other risks and wasn’t user friendly. Color coding was the most effective and user friendly solution.


and not..

Many projects means many passwords. Using face ID was pointless, since the issue of privacy, was not meant for others to break in, but if the user mistakenly shares their personal info to colleagues.


Privacy settings for specific groups were counterproductive to having a holistic unified platform for cohesion. However, they proved beneficial for certain projects (e.g., surprise parties or wedding proposals).


This solution led to fragmented identities and encouraged coat-switching characteristics. This solution was also not efficient in streamlining the user’s experience.

multiple profiles

Our brain reads and interprets colors faster than text. Multiple studies have shown that our brain will recognize a shade of color to an assigned task faster than text alone.”

-Jim Kwik (Brain Expert)




for color blind users





Using data from my surveys, interviews, and affinity map, personas were created. This allowed me to further empathized with user groups and prioritized the design process according to users needs.




Task Flow 1:

Sign-up and Sync Contacts

After signing up the user will have the option to sync their contact list for better usability

Task Flow 2:

Create a Project

From the “Home Page” the user can now create projects and invite other users from their contact list to join in on the project or event. Each project will be color coded for better organization

Task Flow 3:

Create Task for a Project

After a project has been created the user can now create and assign tasks within the project for the steps needed to complete the project



I first explored my designs with sketches, then expanded on the designs with lo-fii wireframes by adding screens as appropriate, according to the logic of my user flows. I then added more details and color options in order to prepare testing with users.


Final Wireframes


With my mid-fidelity prototype in hand, I evaluated how effectively it helped users complete important tasks through usability testing.

I led a total of five remote and moderated usability tests using Zoom. During each test, I gave participants three scenario tasks to complete using the application:

  1. Create a new account

2. Creating a new project

3. Invite others to a project

Testing Goals:

1.To ensure that users can make an account easily

2.To confirm intuitive navigation and thereby creating a new project easily

3.General feedback on aesthetics and the app helps calm the user

Testing Metrics

3. Invite others to a project

Success Rate: 100%

Given that it was a moderated usability study, and I asked any questions the user had, they mentioned that it seems obvious even though all the frames were not available. I didn’t mention much but all the users seem to innately understand the flow of the app.

2. Creating new project

Success Rate: 100%

This function is one of the first steps necessary to start utilizing the app. This option is the first and only option available after creating an account, thus maintaining a proper user flow.

1. Creating new account

Success Rate: 100%

This task was pretty evident and self explanatory. The only caveat being the contact sync list. Although all test subjects figured it out in a few seconds.A few of the users commenting on the color difference not being opaque enough for certain users with hard vision or color blindness.


In this journey, I've learned that useful tech is about creating a tool that improves communication, planning, and organization. "Plan Perfect" prioritizes a holistic approach, aiming to streamline the user experience. In a competitive tech landscape, standing out required creativity and resilience, with a focus on privacy and security. The lesson learned is that change simplifies and adds value to users' lives. "Plan Perfect" isn't just an app; it's a narrative of connection, adaptation, and enhancing life's ease. It emphasizes that tech is fundamentally about people – their challenges, dreams, and the need to stay connected. Through "Plan Perfect," we aim to assist users in maintaining consistent behaviors and identity across personal and professional spheres, contributing to a more integrated and balanced life.



