Creating an gig economy platform for ex-convicts to reduce recidivism

Ex-convicts face increased job difficulties due to the pandemic and their felony records. ChanceRabbit aims to tap into this overlooked talent pool by creating a platform exclusively for individuals with felonies. Millions suffer from unemployment and often return to crime due to limited options.

ChanceRabbit's goal is to break the cycle of recidivism by connecting users with skilled individuals for diverse tasks and services. By offering flexible job opportunities, ChanceRabbit will help ex-convicts rebuild their lives, regain financial stability, and reintegrate into society.

The WHYs

According to research (click here for full data), over 2/3 of ex-convicts face job struggles, despite the desire to work. Gig economy platforms like TaskRabbit could assist, but they exclude ex-convicts. DoorDash offers jobs, but they tend to be minimum wage with limited career growth.

will boost the country’s economic growth by alleviating 4 major chain reactions of recidivism…

Individuals with criminal records often get exploited by being offered low wages, and worsens working conditions across industries.


impact on the economy:


cycles of exploitation:

Limited job opportunities result in accepting lower wages and poor working conditions, enabling unscrupulous employers to suppress wages and neglect workplace safety.


Exploitative practices that, devalue workers' rights, compromise workplace safety, perpetuate poverty and inequality, and hinder career advancement.

ripple effects across industry sectors:


Connecting the economy through ChanceRabbit transforms limited job opportunities into abundant ones. By offering flexible employment to ex-convicts, ChanceRabbit enables them to demand fair wages and safe conditions. This competition for skilled workers promotes higher wages and better working conditions, benefiting the entire economy.

the overall economy:


In a survey of 3 in person interviews and 37 Maze applicants we discovered the following insights...

"I feel like for the most part, they have been handed a cruel and unfavorable deck, and put in a system that will do little to offer rehabilitation or education.”

-interviewee #34 (Robert J.)

According to Research…

Data found from MAZE showed that 60% of users were concerned with issues related to safety.

Most users, especially female identifying users, were uneasy about working one-on-one with an ex-convict

Biggest Concern:

In order to alleviate user's main concern, I collaborated with two professionals: a rehabilitation counselor and a human rights activist.

A consensus was reached using body cams as the top solution. This solution not only benefited users, but taskers as well.

The Solution:

This solution obviously benefits employers. Beyond safety, it also offers liability protection and quality control.

but how will this benefit… Taskers?

Concrete Evidence

Skill Management

In situations where conflicts arise with clients, the recorded footage can serve as evidence to support taskers.

Taskers can utilize the recorded footage to demonstrate their professionalism and disputes any bad reviews

Fair Treatment

Personal Safety

Body cameras can help deter potential threats or abusive behavior towards taskers, providing them with a sense of security during their work.

Body cameras promote fair treatment by documenting taskers' actions and interactions, reducing the risk of false accusations or mistreatment



Building upon the existing model of TaskRabbit, I conducted a thorough site audit of their app. Here is what was found…

The Findings:

click images to enlarge

No specific design choices or intentions

Lacks design intentions and font pairing

Color theory and pairing are not utilized

Inefficient usage of spacing

Platform still feels like it’s in beta


Two different target users (ex-felon & taskers), that is using the same platform but having two different experiences

Task Flow 1:

Making an Appointment

After signing up as a ex-felon, the user will need to list all the of types skills they are able to offer along with any certifications they have obtained. After their profile is completed, the user will need to attend a minimum of 3 screenings before being able to start working.

Task Flow 2:

Hiring a Tasker

After creating a tasker profile, the user can search what type of task they want completed. Then the user can look through a variety of different taskers, and find which tasker they would like to hire for their needed task.

Initial designs inspired by TaskRabbit underwent extensive iterations after user testing, which found them mundane and sterile. Incorporating site audit insights, we improved negative space usage and clarified design intent from the start.


Here are a few of the upgrades in detail

Landing Page

Sign-Up Page

Search Page

Appointment Page

The original TaskRabbit designs felt sterile and impersonal, despite the app's long presence since 2008. To improve this, I aimed for a calming yet playful UX. After several iterations, I updated the design with friendly illustrations and blue color palettes.


Finally Maze was used to test usability and re-iterations.

Initially many testers only booked a tasker without receiving confirmation.This issue was alleviated after communicating with testers the purpose of the test and how a prototype functions differently than an actual app.

Routes taken by users


Doing the research for this app, I was shocked at the data presented during my research. In the beginning I was apprehensive about creating a app for such a marginalized demographics and worried if there would be enough users. However after discoving that almost 20 million people was the demographic, I felt more assured. In the process I learned.

Though the intent might be good, how it ultimately affects the community is more important. The app hopes to support each released individual with diverse needs, including psychological evaluations, but understand everyone’s needs differ.

Impact is more important than intent.

The impact of ChanceRabbit will extend beyond the individuals it serves. By providing opportunities for employed ex-convicts to contribute to the economy through their work and consumer spending, ChanceRabbit stimulates economic growth and fosters a more inclusive society. Additionally, by addressing the disproportionate impact of employment barriers on Black and Brown communities, ChanceRabbit contributes to reducing existing disparities in employment opportunities.

The needs of one demographic ultimately affects the whole.




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